The Headache DNA Package

price for the headache DNA package

The Headache DNA Package includes 3 reports and a 60 minute analysis of your results by me, including answering any questions that you may have. This support is available online with a google meet call. 

  • Lifecode DNA test kit
  • DNA package includes 3 reports - the nervous report, the histamine report and the methylation report OR detoxification report. You can choose the focus of your package. The detoxification report allows you to see your vulnerabilities to alcohol more clearly and how painkillers could be contributing to the prolongation of your headaches. The methylation report adds further information to any methylation difficulties that you may be experiencing.
  • 60 minutes google meet call
  • Total cost £699

The Nervous report

This includes the gene variant’s (SNP’s) for the chemical messengers involved in the nervous response: dopamine (to do with how motivated you are); serotonin  (all about your calmness and contentment); adrenalin and noradrenaline (to do with your response to acute stress e. g being face to face with a tiger); melatonin (important for your sleep) GABA ( important for being able to switch off from things and relax) and cortisol (all about chronic stress e.g the result of modern life - blood sugar control too). The report can tell you how sensitive your cells are to these chemicals and whether they hang around too long in your body. This may be a good or bad thing depending on other factors.

 The Histamine report

This involves the gene variant’s (SNP’s) for the breakdown of histamine in the gut and tissues. Too much histamine in the body, or gut can have a huge impact on your every day life.

The Methylation report 

Methylation is a simple biochemical process occurring in the cells of the body, millions of times a second. The body is like a well oiled machine with gears and switches. Methylation is the mechanism that keeps those switches and gears going. Optimal methylation results in  a good immune response; toxins being removed from the body; energy being produced as needed; good mental health and a well functioning heart and blood circulation. 

This report contains a huge amount of information. It gives information about many gene variants (SNP’s), which tell how your body produces energy - the basis of all body processes.

The Detoxification report

This involves the gene variant’s (SNP’s) associated with your bodies dustbin service - how the body cleans up after your day. This suggests how your body handles food, alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs and environmental toxins. Some of us have less natural protection here and  it can be useful to know our susceptibilities. They might explain why we are feeling the way we are.